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How to Quantify Accessories for a Fence

You have decided how much mesh to buy, how many posts to get, you have chosen the model and color, everything is wonderful, but you probably don’t know how many accessories you need. Let's discover together how many tension wires are needed, how much binding wire, how many tensioners, and especially how many brace arms you need.

Hello everyone, we are from Fenceshop, and today we will help you determine how many accessories are needed to complete your fence. We will divide this guide into two parts: in the first part, we will use a program called SketchUp to create a clear diagram of six possible fence configurations. In the second part, we will talk about the necessary amount of binding wire.

Single-Side Fence

Imagine a hypothetical plot of land measuring 6 meters on the short side and 10 meters on the long side. If we need to fence only one straight side, the brace arms should be placed at the first post and the last post. So, for a straight fence that starts and ends, you need two brace arms: one at the beginning and one at the end to maintain the tension of the wires.

We will need three tension wires: one at the top, one almost flush with the ground at the bottom, and one in the middle. If the side is 10 meters long, we will need 30 meters of tension wire (10 meters per wire), considering that the spools come in 50 or 100-meter lengths. In this case, you should purchase a 50-meter spool. For the tensioners, you will need three: one for each tension wire.


  • 2 brace arms
  • 3 tension wires (30 meters, so a 50-meter spool)
  • 3 tensioners

Two-Side Fence

Moving on to a two-sided fence, which may form a 90-degree angle or a different inclination. In this case, you will need four brace arms: two for each corner.

For the tension wires, you always need three: one top, one central, and one bottom. If the sides are 10 meters and 6 meters, we will need 48 meters of tension wire (16 meters per wire), so a 50-meter spool. You will need six tensioners: three for each side.


  • 4 brace arms
  • 3 tension wires (48 meters, so a 50-meter spool)
  • 6 tensioners

Three-Side Fence

For a U-shaped fence with three sides, you will need six brace arms: two for each corner. Again, three tension wires: one top, one central, and one bottom. If the sides are each 10 meters and the short side is 6 meters, we will need 72 meters of tension wire (24 meters per wire), so a 100-meter spool. You will need nine tensioners: three for each side.


  • 6 brace arms
  • 3 tension wires (72 meters, so a 100-meter spool)
  • 9 tensioners

Four-Side Fence

For a complete four-sided fence, you will need eight brace arms: two for each corner. Three tension wires: one top, one central, and one bottom. If the sides are each 10 meters, we will need 96 meters of tension wire (32 meters per wire), so a 100-meter spool. You will need twelve tensioners: three for each side.


  • 8 brace arms
  • 3 tension wires (96 meters, so a 100-meter spool)
  • 12 tensioners

Adding a Gate

If we add a gate to our fence, we will need two additional brace arms to position it. The tension wires will remain the same, but we will need to add three tensioners for each side of the gate, for a total of 15 tensioners.


  • 10 brace arms
  • 3 tension wires (96 meters, so a 100-meter spool)
  • 15 tensioners

Fence on Terraces

For a fence on terraces, with a wall 10 meters long and steps 20 cm high, you will need an initial brace arm and a final one, plus a brace arm for each terrace. In this case, we will need 7 brace arms. Three tension wires: one top, one central, and one bottom, replicated for each terrace. We will need 30 meters of tension wire (10 meters per wire), so a 50-meter spool. The necessary tensioners will be 15: three for each terrace.


  • 7 brace arms
  • 3 tension wires (30 meters, so a 50-meter spool)
  • 15 tensioners

Binding Wire

As for the binding wire, the general rule is to always take a bit more than half of the tension wire. For example, if you have bought 100 meters of tension wire, you should buy about 50 meters of binding wire. If you have bought 300 meters of tension wire, I recommend buying 200 meters of binding wire. Binding wire does not cost much and is useful in many other situations, so it is always better to have a bit more.

I hope this guide has been useful to understand how many accessories you need for your fence. For further information, visit our website Fenceshop and leave us your comments and questions. We are here to help!

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